Wyoming Tax Facts came together in 2020 as an informal group seeking state budget information and solutions.

In conversations with government agencies, economists, and elected state and local officials, we learned about shortfalls in revenue caused by Wyoming’s outdated tax structure.

We learned that our state legislators, who create Wyoming’s tax laws, are reluctant to discuss tax reform because they believe two things:

  • Most of us don’t understand Wyoming’s tax structure.
  • Voters will reject any politician who proposes higher taxes of any kind … until our state’s deficit is so large that it triggers a collapse of state services.

If we wait until the state is forced to make rapid and painful decisions, all of us will suffer, and our state’s economy will need more time and resources to get back on its feet. We think most of our fellow citizens would prefer to act sooner, while we are able to make thoughtful choices.

Since our feelings about taxes changed after we got more information, we thought you might appreciate more information too. 

That is why we launched this website, and continue to learn about Wyoming’s unique fiscal challenges and opportunities. We see many paths to a brighter future for our state.

Help make this site better! Let us know if you see an error or have an idea for improving our information.

Special thanks to Creative Blue Yonder for our website design, Eda Uzunlar for our illustrations, and our many friends in state agencies and offices, local government, the Legislature, and the nonprofit sector for sharing your knowledge with us.